STP 2003 Training
30 days to get in shape from not riding at all the original plan was
to ride an additional 30 miles each week for four weeks so by the end
of a month we would be up to 120 miles in one day. Our overnight stop
was in Winlock, Wa 121 miles south of our starting line. The plan sounded
good, but I quickly learned that I was further out of shape than I realized.
My chest hurt from the deep breathing and the cold air. I feared for
my own saftey and health. Of course the legs hurt day in and day out
and the tiredness was overwhelming at times. The family was getting
tired of my grumpiness and irritability.
is what we actually ended up riding for training. The numbers in parentheses
( ) are days left to STP the countdown.
Training log:
7th (35) 5 miles singles in one hour
8th (34) 16 miles tandem
9th (33) 5 miles in 90 minutes tandem, 6 miles singles slow
pace since Jason was along
10th (32)no riding break
11th (31) 6 mi singles in 63 minutes. 18 miles to LK Rosseiger
(24 total)
12th (30) 7 miles to MCS
13th (29) 0
14th (28) 6 mi (30 mile goal)
15th (27) 21.17 miles Av 11.4
16th (26) 37.5 miles av 9.5
17th (25) loop around hand road tucker hill bollenbaugh and
home distance unknown singles
18th (24) loop around 227th,132nd Ingraham, 116th, 227th and
back home distance unknown singles
19th (23) 3.5 miles to Mom's and back raining/ loop around
Friar Crk up 227th 6 mi
20th (22) bike in shop no miles
21st (21) Work / GMJ no miles (60 mile goal)
22nd (20) Granite Falls 27 AV 9.6
23rd (19) No Riding chest pains / recovery
24th (18) 12.52 miles up Pipeline Rd/ 227th/Wagner/ WoodsCreek/Bollenbaugh/
120th St/ Bollenbaugh and home Av 10.6
25th (17) 39.03 mi around Tualco Loop/ Duvall/ Monroe AV 11.3
26th 16 Rode to Woodinville via HWY2, Hwy9. Distance 23 mi
AV 10.7 No Long breaks. Left 6 am arrived at just before 9 am
27th (15) Prepare for Grandma's Memorial Service 0 mi
28th (14) 0 mi Grandma's Memorial Service 0 mi (90 mile goal)
29th (13) Sunday 17 mi church and return
30th (12) Monday
July 1st (11) Tuesday 16 mi around florence acres loop rd
2nd (10) loop around Granite Falls, Lake Stevens, Snohomish,
Monroe. 51.69 mi, mx37.5, av11.1 Left 9:15 am returned 6 pm
3rd (9) 0 mi Thurs
4th (8) 0 Mi Fri
5th (7) work 0Mi Sat (120 mile goal)
6th (6) rode 40.72mi to Everett and return av 11.1 mx27.3 Sun
7th (5) 59.16 mi rode to Grotto and returned to Sultan (West
Side of town) Mon av 10.4? just over 747 elevation
8th (4) rain / sick Rora packing for trip 0 mi
9th (3) rest interviews with The
10th (2) rest
11th (1) rest
12 -13 STP !! Rode 71.65 miles to Yelm, Washington stopped
short due bad knee pains and extreme tiredness and soreness.
Next year 2004
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